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Menu SDK Embedded

Getting your SDK Key

  • To get an API key, book a meeting with us and sign the license agreement. Book a meeting by visiting here.


Generally, we recommend using store search SDK instead of the menu SDK directly. This is because a specific store might not be available at a certain time or location.

Example images

Minimum: passing your name and store ID

The store ID is received by using our store search API. As mentioned before, we only recommend doing this for specific use cases. For most cases, we recommend using our store search SDK. The store search SDK includes the menu SDK and does not require the use of the API.

For example:

Example minimal embed:

	allow="geolocation; payment" 
	title="Mealme Web SDK" 
	style="border: none;height: 100vh;margin-bottom: 0px;position: relative;z-index: 100;margin-top: 40px;width: 100%;">

Optional: pass address information

You can choose to pass the address information if you have it. This will make it so the user does not have to enter their address on checkout. You can get these from the address search SDK.


⚠️ NOTE The country is US for America and CAfor Canada. The state is given in its two-letter abbreviated form, for example: CA for California, or TXfor Texas.

Example embed with address information:

	src="https://sdk.mealme.ai/menu?api=YOUR_NAME&storeId=12345&latitude=37.7777&longitude=-122.4444&streetNumber=100&streetName=example street&city=san francisco&state=CA&zipcode=94100&country=US" 
	title="Mealme Web SDK" 
	style="border: none;height: 100vh;margin-bottom: 0px;position: relative;z-index: 100;margin-top: 40px;width: 100%;">

Optional customizations

The following optional query parameters are available to adjust the functionality of the SDK:

  • isPickup - defaults to false, set to true if you want to place pickup orders
  • showPickupToggle- passing true will add a toggle in the UI that end users can use to toggle between delivery and pickup orders
  • menuId - if you want to use a specific menu id
  • userId- Use your own identifier for userId if you want an order to be related to a certain user or group
  • userEmail- Will prefill the email field in checkout if passed
  • userName- Will prefill the name field in checkout if passed
  • userPhone- Will prefill the phone field in checkout if passed
  • userApartmentNumber- Will prefill the apartment number field in checkout if passed
  • checkoutNotes- Will prefill the notes field in checkout if passed
  • cartId- Will link an existing cart with the menu and add items to the cart. Adding or removing items will update the cart.
  • desiredTime- If scheduled ordering is available, we will select the timeslot closest to this timestamp. Pass as unix time, for example: 1670000000.
  • primaryColor - Changes the color theme of the SDK from the default orange color. Pass as hex without the #, for example &primaryColor=777777
  • disableCheckoutRedirect- Passing true prevents the tracking site from being opened in a new browser tab after checkout is completed
  • combineServiceAndDeliveryFee - If passing true this will combine both the delivery fee and service fee on checkout, both will be listed under the category "Service fee"
  • combineServiceFeeAndMiscFees- If passing true this will combine both the service fee and misc fees on checkout, both will be listed under the category "Service fee"
  • desiredTime- If scheduled ordering is available, we will select the timeslot closest to this timestamp. Pass as unix time, for example: 1670000000
  • disableEmail- Passing truedisables the email field, meaning it has to come from a cart, and is not changeable by the user
  • collectUserAddress - Passing true collects the users address on checkout, even if the order is a pickup order
  • hideQuote- Passing true disables the quote card on the menu, which shows fees and estimated time to complete the order
  • hidePromotions- Passing true disables the promo code section on checkout, can be used if you don't plan on offering promo codes

Capturing events

We fire events that you can catch if you want to read the data.

The events fired from the menu to checkout flow are the following:

  • Checkout success
  • Checkout failure

If you want to capture events while having the SDK in an App, please follow these instructions, instead of the web examples given below.

Checkout success event

Code to capture success event:

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-success") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for success event:

  success: true,
  orderId: "123",
  items: [
      product_id: "gAAA",
      item_name: "NESCAFÉ Dark Roast Instant Coffee",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Coffee",
      price: 1299,
      formatted_price: "$12.99",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 10.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "oz",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
      product_id: "gAAAA",
      item_name: "Lactaid Whole Milk",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Milk",
      price: 579,
      formatted_price: "$5.79",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 0.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "gal",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
  trackingLink: "https://tracking.mealme.ai/tracking?tracking_id=123",

Checkout fail event

Code to capture fail event

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-fail") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for success event:

  success: false,
  message: "Something went wrong",