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Cart Search SDK Embedded

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Cart search

Example images

Cart search:

Minimum: passing name and query

At a minimum, you need to pass your company name and the query. For extra options see "Additional optional query parameters" further down on this page.


Query is simply a list of items and the quantity you want, followed by the quantity wanted of that item.

For example:

⚠️ Note: YOUR_NAME will be the name of your company, for sandbox orders use YOUR_NAME-sandbox

Passing location

If you already have the user's location you can pass that information, this way they would not have to enter their location

Example with location parameters:


Additional optional query parameters

  • isPickup - default value of the pickup toggle, true means it's a pickup order, false means it will be a delivery order
  • isOpen - default value of the open toggle, true means searching for only open stores, false means to search for all stores
  • hidePickupToggle - passing true will hide the pickup toggle
  • hideOpenToggle - passing true will hide the open toggle
  • title - If passed, it will show a title above the cart search user interface
  • logoUrl- If passed, a logo will be added, in the top left by default
  • logoHeight- If passed it will change the width of the logo, the default value is 30
  • logoAlignment- Can be used to change the alignment of the logo, accepted values are left, center, and right
  • searchRadius- Normally we gradually increase the radius until we find enough stores, pass if you want to override this and just do one specific search radius, is capped at 10 miles
  • sort- Will default to this value for sorting stores, accepted values are: relevance, cheapest, fastest, rating, and distance. The default with nothing passed is relevance
  • fullCartsOnly - only show full carts, it's defaulted to false
  • userId- Use your own identifier for userId if you want an order to be related to a certain user or group
  • userEmail- Will prefill the email field in checkout if passed
  • userName- Will prefill the name field in checkout if passed
  • userPhone- Will prefill the phone field in checkout if passed
  • userApartmentNumber- Will prefill the apartment number field in checkout if passed
  • checkoutNotes- Will prefill the notes field in checkout if passed
  • storeType- Pass restaurant for restaurant items, pass grocery for grocery items, or leave empty or exclude to search for both
  • pinCheckoutButton- If passing truethis will pin the checkout button to the bottom element instead of having a floating button
  • disableMenuCheckoutButton- Passing true hides the checkout button on the menu
  • disableMenuQuote- Passing true disables the quote fetching on the menu (not recommended)
  • combineServiceAndDeliveryFee- If passing true this will combine both the delivery fee and service fee on checkout, both will be listed under the category "Service fee"
  • combineServiceFeeAndMiscFees- If passing true this will combine both the service fee and misc fees on checkout, both will be listed under the category "Service fee"
  • disableEmail- Passing true disables the email field on checkout, meaning it has to come from the userEmail query parameter, and is not changeable by the user on checkout
  • collectUserAddress - Passing true collects the user's address on checkout, even if the order is a pickup order
  • hideQuote- Passing true disables the quote card on the menu, which shows fees and estimated time to complete the order
  • hidePromotions- Passing true disables the promo code section on checkout, can be used if you don't plan on offering promo codes
  • useSpecialCheckout- Passing true disables the last step of the checkout, where the payment gateway is. Use this if you want to process payments on your side, see events below for how to get the data, then finalize the order with this endpoint. We don't recommend doing this unless you have a specific reason to.
  • cartTimeout - Passing will override the default cart timeout of 1 hour. Passed in seconds, for example &cartTimeout=600would be a 10-minute. When a cart is timed out, it will no longer re-load when returning to the store where it was created.
  • exhaustiveSearch- If passing true you will get better result at the cost of slightly longer loading time, we recommend using this for most implementations
  • itemTimeout- How much time, in milliseconds, that is spent on each item, is ignored it exhaustive search is used.
  • itemsPerSearchTerm- How many maximum items are returned per item in the passed cart query. It can be changed to improve loading time, but not recommended in most cases.
  • disableSms - Passing true disables sms communication to the customer after the order is placed

Example embed

	allow="geolocation; payment" 
	title="Mealme Web SDK" 
	style="border: none;height: 100vh;margin-bottom: 0px;position: relative;z-index: 100;margin-top: 40px;width: 100%;">

Capturing events

We fire events that you can catch if you want to read the data.

The events fired from the cart-search checkout flow are the following:

  • Checkout success
  • Checkout failure

If you want to capture events while having the SDK in an App, please follow these instructions, instead of the web examples given below.

Success event

Code to capture success event

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-success") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for success event:

  success: true,
  orderId: "123",
  items: [
      product_id: "gAAA",
      item_name: "NESCAFÉ Dark Roast Instant Coffee",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Coffee",
      price: 1299,
      formatted_price: "$12.99",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 10.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "oz",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
      product_id: "gAAAA",
      item_name: "Lactaid Whole Milk",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Milk",
      price: 579,
      formatted_price: "$5.79",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 0.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "gal",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
  trackingLink: "https://tracking.mealme.ai/tracking?tracking_id=123",

Fail event

Code to capture fail event

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-fail") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for fail event:

  success: false,
  message: "Something went wrong",