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Cart Search SDK Popup

## Getting your SDK Key

  • To get an API key, book a meeting with us and sign the license agreement. Book a meeting by visiting here.


Cart search

Example images

Cart search:

Example checkout:

Implementation steps

1. importing the script

<script src="https://sdk.mealme.ai/script.js" defer></script>

2. Show popup modal

At a minimum, you need to pass the following information parameters:

your name and the query, in the following way. This is an example if searching for milk, eggs, and chips.

mealme.showCartSearchModal("YOUR_NAME", {query: { milk: 1, eggs: 1, chips: 1 }});

⚠️ Note: YOUR_NAME will be the name of your company, for sandbox orders use YOUR_NAME-sandbox


Additional optional customizations

  • isPickup - default value of the pickup toggle, true means it's a pickup order, false means it will be a delivery order
  • isOpen - default value of the open toggle, true means searching for only open stores, false means to search for all stores
  • hidePickupToggle - passing true will hide the pickup toggle
  • hideOpenToggle - passing true will hide the open toggle
  • title - If passed, it will show a title above the cart search user interface
  • logoUrl- If passed, a logo will be added, in the top left by default
  • logoHeight- If passed it will change the width of the logo, the default value is 30
  • logoAlignment- Can be used to change the alignment of the logo, accepted values are left, center, and right
  • searchRadius- Normally we gradually increase the radius until we find enough stores, pass if you want to override this and just do one specific search radius, is capped at 10 miles
  • sort- Can be cheapest, fastest, rating, distance, or relevance. The default value if nothing is passed is relevance
  • fullCartsOnly - only show full carts, it's defaulted to false
  • userId- Use your own identifier for userId if you want an order to be related to a certain user or group
  • userEmail- Will prefill the email field in checkout if passed
  • userName- Will prefill the name field in checkout if passed
  • storeType- Pass restaurant for restaurant items, pass grocery for grocery items, or leave empty or exclude to search for both
  • pinCheckoutButton- If passing truethis will pin the checkout button to the bottom element instead of having a floating button

    Example use of options:
    mealme?.showCartSearchModal("YOUR_NAME", {
      query: { milk: 1, eggs: 1, chips: 1 },
    	hidePickupToggle: true,
      hideOpenToggle: true,
      title: "Ingredients for cake recipe",

Passing your own address -

If you want to pass the location instead of the user choosing it, you can pass the following variables as options:

  • streetNumber
  • streetName
  • city
  • zipcode
  • state - Use state acronyms, NY for new york,
  • country - Short form, use either US or CA for USA and Canada respectively
  • latitude
  • longitude

Closing the modal popup

If you want to programmatically close the modal for another reason you can use:


Capturing events

We fire events that you can catch if you want to read the data.

The events fired from the cart-search checkout flow are the following:

  • Checkout success
  • Checkout failure

If you want to capture events while having the SDK in an App, please follow these instructions.

Success event

Code to capture success event

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-success") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for success event:

  success: true,
  orderId: "123",
  items: [
      product_id: "gAAA",
      item_name: "NESCAFÉ Dark Roast Instant Coffee",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Coffee",
      price: 1299,
      formatted_price: "$12.99",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 10.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "oz",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
      product_id: "gAAAA",
      item_name: "Lactaid Whole Milk",
      image: "https://cdn-img.mealme.ai/...",
      description: "",
      category: "Milk",
      price: 579,
      formatted_price: "$5.79",
      upc_codes: [],
      unit_size: 0.5,
      unit_of_measurement: "gal",
      should_fetch_customizations: true,
  trackingLink: "https://tracking.mealme.ai/tracking?tracking_id=123",

Fail event

Code to capture fail event

window.onmessage = (event) => {
  if (event.data.id === "mealme-checkout-fail") {
    // Your code using event.data

Example data for success event:

  success: false,
  message: "Something went wrong",