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October 11, 2024

What's new

  • Get Inventory API v3 is now available, with the URL path /details/inventory/v3.
  • Get Product Details API v2 is now available, with the URL path /details/product/v2.
  • Get Inventory API v3 and Get Product Details API v2 now return a new integer property named charge_threshold in the option object. As an example, if an option has charge_threshold=3, then selecting a quantity of 3 comes at no extra cost, but selecting more than 3 will.
  • Get Inventory API v3 and Get Product Details API v2 redefine the option property default_qty. In the previous versions, options with default_qty>0 are included in the product's base price. However, in these versions, they are not and you must instead refer to charge_threshold to know what quantity is included in the product's base price.

September 16, 2024

What's new

  • The Create Order API v3 body param user_name can be prefixed with any combination of alphabetic characters and spaces, followed by a leading space (i.e. 'Company ABC John Doe').

August 06, 2024

What's new

  • Get Inventory API v2 and Get Product Details API now return a new integer property named charge_threshold in the customization object. As an example, if charge_threshold=3, then selecting a quantity of 3 unique or non-unique options comes at no extra cost, but selecting more than 3 will.

July 30, 2024

What's new

  • Get Inventory API v2 is now available, with the URL path /details/inventory/v2.
  • Upon providing an incorrect store_id, Get Inventory API v2 will return the error message Unknown store ID. instead of the error message Missing/Invalid required input parameter: store_id..
  • Upon providing a store_id for a store that's currently non-operational, Get Inventory API v2 will return the error message Unavailable store ID. instead of the error message Missing/Invalid required input parameter: store_id..
  • Get Inventory API v2 and Get Product Details API now accept a new query parameter named use_cached_menu. This parameter indicates whether to retrieve a menu or product details cached today instead of in real-time. Note that when making a Get Inventory API v2 request, if use_cached_menu is true, then use_new_db must also be true.
  • Store Lookup API v3 is now available, with the URL path utils/store_lookup/v3.
  • Upon providing an incorrect store_id, Store Lookup API v3 will return the error message Unknown store ID(s). and a 400 status code, instead of an empty list of stores and a 200 status code.
  • Upon providing a store_id for a store that's currently non-operational, Store Lookup API v3 will return the error message Unavailable store ID(s). and a 400 status code, instead of an empty list of stores and a 200 status code.

July 4, 2024

What's new

  • Create Order API v3 is now available, with the URL path /order/order/v3.
  • The Create Order API v3 body param user_name must consist of a first and last name, both of which must be at least 2 alphabetic characters, separated by one space (i.e. John Du). If these conditions aren't met, a 400 status code will be returned.
  • The Create Order API v3 body param user_id must only consist of alphanumeric characters. If this condition isn't met, a 400 status code will be returned.
  • The Create Order API v3 now accepts a new body param namedorder_id. If order_id is provided, the order corresponding to order_id will be updated, and a new order_id won't be created.